Atelier 1.1
This is a big update. Atelier: Draw, Sketch, Paint is updated for iOS 10.
Apple Pencil
I know I’m late to the game, but I finally managed to buy Pencil and iPad Pro last summer. With real hardware for development, I could make Atelier support Apple Pencil natively. I’m happy to find out that Pencil is much more precise than I thought and it is better than any other stylus on iPad by far margin. Atelier has been faking brush pressure with touch velocity. It is necessary feature to make a smooth line with crude touch samples — hardware limit for old devices. However, thanks to Pencil’s superb sampling rate and pressure sensitivity, the app translates your intent quite well into painted lines with less “magic” behind the scene. With Apple Pencil, painting in Atelier is more accurate, faster, and smoother than ever.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Keyboard Shortcuts: ⌘+z for undo, ⌘+⇧+z for redo, hold down ⌘ on a hardware keyboard to learn more
True Tone Display loses power over Atelier’s precise color reproduction
Slightly smoother Atelier thumbnail image scrolling
Fixes an issue that caused incorrect color after merging layers with very low alpha
Fixes one pixel misalignment of iPhone 6 size canvas on 100% zoom level
When you’re using Atelier, you don’t need to fiddle with brush flow rate, pressure curve, or other complicated things. Just draw, sketch, paint and create something beautiful. Atelier 1.1 requires iOS 10 and now available on the App Store.