Metapho 3.4 release note
Metapho 3.4 adds Shortcuts Actions, Dark Mode, Location Copy Paste, and multiwindow support.
Shortcuts Actions
iOS 13 Shortcuts now supports parameters, which enables third-party app to provide image handling Actions without clipboard workaround or base64 texts. The new Metapho Shortcuts Actions — Get Metadata, Set Date / Location to Metadata, and Apply Metadata — use parameters for the target image file and metadata dictionary. An action takes and outputs a metadata dictionary as a text file compatible with JSON.
These four new actions could run quite deep, since you can edit and apply any metadata field with JSON editor like Jayson, in your Shortcuts shortcut.
Location Copy and Paste
Metapho now detects location metadata in the clipboard and suggests Paste from Clipboard button on the map view when you edit location. It also supports Drag and Drop. You can drop any item contains latitude and longitude like a pin from Maps, a video from Photos, or an image file from Files to the map view. And you can copy or drag the location section in Metapho, too.
Hygiene Features for iOS 13
Dark Mode
Multiwindow: On iPadOS you can create a new window by dragging a photo from the grid. Checking metadata side by side is pretty useful.
Context Menus for quick access
Refined user interface symbols
Thank you for using Metapho. If you’ve been enjoying the app for a long time and feeling guilty for those free updates, well, no more! You can buy me a coffee.