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Check and Edit EXIF Metadata

App Information

An app for Apple devices, lets you check and manage photo metadata such as camera information, capture date, file size, color profile, and location.

Multiple platforms

6.7MB (macOS)

Device Support




Apple Vision Pro

New in Version 3

Support for Video

Action App Extension Support for Multiple Photos and Videos

My Album and Smart Album with Location and Favorite Filter

Faster, Smoother, and More Responsive Experience

Split View Multi-tasking on iPad

Refined User Interface

Metapho Update Release Notes


Remove Metadata

Strip out all metadata or remove location data only

Date / Location Edit

Change creation date or location of a photo

Action Extension

An app extension for using Metapho in any apps with iOS Share Sheet

Safe Share

Share without metadata just before sharing, without making copies

iCloud Sync

Changes made by Metapho are synced with iCloud Photos Library

Batch Edit

Apply Date / Location edits on many photos all at once

Files Support

Check and edit files metadata in Files Locations

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